Full Steam Ahead

This is a pretty strange looking beast. It almost looks like some sort of bizarro hotdog cart if you didn’t know any better. However, it’s not. It’s an old steam driven tractor, used for show and a little bit of pomp and circumstance as well. The basic premise was to try and make a tractor that looks like an old Avery steam driven version. True, they didn’t come with umbrella canopies on top, that were primarily used to farm land and actually looks like giant trains. They were a sight to behold and filled the air with black smoke. This individual here has a cool burner, attached to a tractor base with his large red Avery tank for show. Maybe he will get to his destination in time, who knows? At least the crowd is watching and they seem entertained. At these events, that’s what it is all about anyway. He might want to clean his umbrella though, it’s looking a bit dirty.