This Beastly Tractor Is Named “Baldwin”

You may remember earlier when we talked about Big Bud and how he is one of the largest tractors on earth. Well, this is his bigger cousin. Instead of 2 massive tires, Baldwin here features three. It’s made to pull a massive harvester, allowing the farmer to make light work of whatever he needs to do in the field. Big Bud was made in Montana and used in the US, but Baldwin here hails from Northern New South Wales. This one was probably built in the year 1986 and has the number 26 on its serial number, indicating it was the 26th machine like this made. Who knew there were so many of these large, massive tractors roaming around the earth? I didn’t, that’s for sure. However, now that I know I just might look them up the next time I need something done in my yard. Hey, can you blame me? It would certainly turn my neighbors heads, that’s for sure.