Hot-Rod Lawn Tractor

So you have an old riding lawn mower lying around and a few extra miscellaneous parts that you need something to do with. Why not turn them into this. Check out this go cart, lawn tractor, racing hot rod thing-a-ma-jig. I would call it by its proper name, but I don’t know what that is. I do know that we like it, and that the owner pays attention to the little things like safety. Take a close look and you’ll see a fire extinguisher cleverly mounted on the side just in case this beast catches fire. I really doubt that would happen. What I don’t doubt is that it is a blast to drive. What could be finer than zipping up and down your yard in this four-wheeled wonder. I bet it goes faster then we think as well. Surely the blower up top is not just for show, right? Well, think what you will my friends. I prefer to live in the world where what I see is sometimes presented as reality. Plus, I’m a guy and I love hot rod type stuff anyway. This one gets a thumbs up for me.