Screw-Drive Tractor

This tractor may look odd, and for good reason. You see those big things on the side that look like big tanks? Well, those are actually the tires. Made by the Fordson company in Michigan, this beast is what is known as a screw driven tractor. They were used in the 1920s for towing sleds full of aviation fuel, oil, gas and radio equipment. All in an effort to support the first attempt by Wilkins-Eilson’s of a trans polar aviation flight from North America to Europe. The tractors they used were similar to this, built by the snow motor company but were largely unsuccessful. It seems that all of that turning through the snow by the screw driven wheels really didn’t accomplish much, and made for slow travel. Aren’t you glad that we have regular tires for our tractors today after seeing this monstrosity? Yeah, I thought so too.