Well we saw one similar to this earlier on our list, but this Unimog Powerhouse Coach takes the cake. This is one of the most technologically advanced fifth wheels on the planet, and it’s green to boot. The furniture installed on the inside is very sleek and modern, yet also appears to be somewhat sterile too. This echoes the green team and makes the RV appear to be easier to clean. Also, on the backside of the RV there is a private residential entrance for the family, which is nice when parties are being thrown and you need to retire for the evening. The counter tops throughout the coach are all made from a brand-new product that consists of petroleum free resin and recycled paper. Everything used to build this epic RV was made with 100% non-toxic building materials. Furthermore, in keeping with the theme, space was considered to make space a non-issue so to speak. Everything in the unit model is laid out efficiently and decidedly. It’s the ultimate dance of efficiency and design. That’s how this one made it on our list. That, and it could run over just about anything that stood in its way!
Up Next: More Cool RV’s From Around The World