Famous Celebrities Who Ride Motorcycles In Real Life

16. Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan(John Byrne Cooke)
John Byrne Cooke

It is no secret Bob Dylan is one of the most successful music artists of all time. He defined a generation and also makes our list of motorcycle celebrities. Yet, the real story about Bob is the accident that happened in 1966. While driving back in the states after a lackluster European tour due to his new sound, Dylan had a wreck. For many years the cause of the wreck was unknown until it was discovered Bob Dylan hit an oil slick. Wait, Sam Shephard says he was blinded by the sun. No matter what you believe, Dylan ended up with a cracked vertebra and an impressive case of road rash. Secrecy let the rumor mill swirl, but that is what we love about guys on bikes anyway, right? There is always some sort of manly mystery lurking about.