18. Two Gyro EV
The bane of fuel efficiency efforts isn’t inventing smoother engines, but avoiding traffic congestion. If you’ve ever been stuck in traffic anywhere in the developed world, you’ve surely noticed that hardly any of those big cars clogging the roads are full to capacity. Sadly, this inefficient use of automobiles is just one of those societal quirks that can be changed.

So if we can’t change people’s driving styles, we can at least change what they drive. The Two-Gyro EV aims to create the most compact two-seater car ever. This clever design can even elevate vertically to help alleviate parking congestion as well.
The cutting-edge insect car needs only a pair of wheels, but they do provide full gyroscopic movement. This feature affords an agility that is particularly useful in rigid and high-density environments such as close-packed city streets.